Tuesday, October 11, 2005

what the...?!

right, haven't been posting much. been busy with stuff. not that it's anything at all. just lazy. hahahaha...

anyways, i've got a question. have u ever wondered why does our nations fire fighters wear the camo print uniforms?! has it ever crossed your mind?!

i mean, what's the purpose?! we all know the army wears camo to hide from the enemy. but why our fire fighters?! who are they hiding from?! the fire?!?! what the fuck, right?!?!

"oooooo...there's the fire. good thing i'm wearing my camo uniform. now that it can't see me, i'll sneak behind and douse it out with my swiss army fire extinguisher that has 32 extra tools i have no idea what's the use for and a flash memory so i can plug in my ipod and transfer that britney spears song! what a great soundtrack it'd be!!"

pfffttttt..... PHINKABOURIT EH!!!


Blogger supa_jock said...

Army = fighters
fire fighters = fighters (in a way)

hence, they're both fighters with different enemies?

This reminds me of the camos those jokers from Ali G the movie wore!har har har...fluorescent camos...any takers?

5:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they wanna blend in with the fire..

so the fire will not take them as an enemy thus making their life easier to put out the fire..

but i think they look better in pink

5:45 pm  

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