Wednesday, September 21, 2005

phink abourit...

"Loving and having the companionship of someone are two different things. Having the companionship of someone is hard work because it demands both persons to enter into a battle of incompatibilities. However love on the other hand is free." - Yimun

she left this on my friendster testimonial, and it's still awaiting my approval. why haven't i approved it? because i don't know what it means. and i'm still pondering over it. i keyed it into my phone and brought it out right after i saw it. met up with ann and i showed it to her. "what's she trying to say huh?!" i asked. she looked equally stumped. "wah, that girl's deep." "yep. she's grown up alrite. but do you know what it means?" "no idea." "oh well, best to hear it straight from the horse's mouth right?" so yeah, maybe i should call and ask her.

hmmm... "having the companionship of someone is hard work because it demands both persons to enter into a battle of incompatibilities." is it?! i always thought that all you need for companionships is understandings and compromise, plus a pinch of humour. guess i was wrong. but yeah, i thought it's more of a give and take situation. of course there's bound to be incompatibilities. that's the fun part where you learn about that other person, understanding why he's that different (or incompatible) and maybe try to accept him as he is! but then again, if really really really really not compatible, better to let it go, i guess. sigh... still not that sure of what she meant. better call her, better call her.

i've been worried about the idea of closing her out of my life completely, or vice versa. well, not completely, but as in stop having conversations. it's usually at times like these (when we're not together, or when we're on our short break-up periods) that we talk more openly about stuff. i guess we really have that much to hide about each other. hmmm... i miss talking to her.


Blogger supa_jock said...

Even with all the money in the world, you can't buy love...1 thing for sure, you'll definitely pay heavily for it

4:41 pm  

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